Starley Cross Community Safety Project
Within Starley Cross we have motivated offenders because of their economic and social situation aswell as peer influences. We can also find poor security and high number of suitable targets.
We can easily see car parking without street lighting and CCTV. This may be a provocation for offenders during the night.
There are also easily accessible alleys behind houses on Frykman Terrace. This is a way to break into some houses and also to escape and hide from the police as well as to sell drugs.
The shopping center offers a range of shops with items that not everyone can afford. The lack of street lighting and CCTV is an invitation for the offenders at night.
This area is has many opportunities for crime to occur and this is why there is such a high crime rate.

In regards to opportunity framework including rational choice theory and routine activity theory we have noticed many opportunities for criminal behaviour.
Classical Criminology starts with the assumption that criminals engage in criminal behaviour after process of rational calculation of costs and benefits (Jewkes and Letherby, 2002). Benefits have to outweigh any costs for crime to occur.
This idea has three fundamental concepts about human nature:
(Venice 311, 2013)
(Rational Choice Theory, n.d.)
Because of their motivation they are more likely to look for opportunities to commit crime, improve their life and show their resistance against society and law. This leads to routine activity theory which says that for a crime to occur three factors need to converge in time and space:
1. People exercise free will, guided by reason and self injury
(Bernard et al 2010)
2. Humans make rational choices
(White and Haines 1996)
3. Individuals follow the principle of utilitarianism.
(Jewkes and Letherby 2002)
1. Motivated Offender
2. Suitable Target
3. Absence of capable guardians
(Jewkes and Letherby, 2002).